Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

Have You Been too Busy for Love?

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.

- Oscar Wilde -

What comes to your mind when someone mention about love? The word love could give a many different meanings depending on the age.

A teenager would always see love as something confusing. a bittersweet. Love will give thousands reasons to fly sky high or sink deep down. Nothing could be explained about love during this phase. As an escape, they'll share more with their friends and seek for some comparable situation and solution.

A young man/woman would see love as something different. Love will not be the break or make situation. Love will be more about trust. Love will be the one whom they could share something with and grow up together.

As someone grow older, trust begins to be broken once or twice, here and there. However, they don't see love only as a matter of trust. During this phase, they don't actually share most of their life, but they rather just enjoy the companionship of their beloved one. Love is no longer a matter of interest as they might have seen during their previous phases, but as a matter of commitment. When you are interested in something, you tend to avoid the unpleasant stuffs and take only the fun. But when you are committed to something, you'll take everything, the joy and the sadness, the sweet and bitter, and try to find a way to endure them by compromising.

However, somehow, after that last phase, more men seem opened to talk about love while more women seem to avoid such conversation. Women deem this conversation rather unnecessary and prefer to get down upon more serious one. a marriage maybe?

As M. Gandhi said,
"when there's love, there's life..."

Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Bila cinta dibahasakan dalam rumus fisika part 1

Siapa bilang Shakespeare adalah pujangga terkenal ketika bahkan karya dia hanya kita tahu melalui semua pemutakhiran Leonardo di Caprio.

Sesungguhnya, Isaac Newton adalah si pujangga terbesar dan paling romantis.

Keromantisannya tertuang dalam 3 bait puisi yang selalu terngiang dalam pikiran. Berikut adalah terjemahan bebas dari puisi aslinya yang ditulis dalam bahasa latin.

Bait 1:
Cinta adalah tidak tercukupi
hanya dengan kata dan janji.
Cinta akan selalu hampa
bila tangan dan kaki tak berarah.

Bait 2:
Keindahan yang dikagumi
Kecantikan yang membius
Berusahalah sepanjang matahari memberi
Karena cinta hanya lahir
dari tindakan tanpa kenal waktu batas.

Bait 3:
Bilamanakah bulan kan bersinar
Tanpa matahari berpencar?
Bilamanakah ku akan dicintai
Bila ku tak tulus mencintai.


Ketiga bait tersebut adalah bagian dari kumpulan puisi gunakan Isaac Newton yang seringkali disoaljawabkan di masa awal dan kemudian dipahami sebagai Newton's Law of Motion.